Length and Stiffness of an Interatomic Bond

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Created by Emily Milburn

This topic covers find the length and stiffness of an Interatomic Bond.

The Main Idea

We can determine the stiffness of an interatomic bond by considering it as a spring. In order to determine stiffness, we must determine the length of an interatomic bond in a particular material. For different materials, bond lengths will vary slightly depending on the size of the atoms. The length of one interatomic bond is defined as the center-to-center distance between two adjacent atoms. The diameter of an atom is the space-filling model of a solid. To find the radius, we divide the diameter in half. If we can calculate the length of the interatomic bond and the diameter of a single atom, we can use this data to find the stiffness of the interatomic bond, considered as a spring.

Length of an Interatomic Bond

The length of an interatomic bond is defined as the center-to-center distance between adjacent atoms. This is the same as the diameter of an atom (including the full electron cloud).

We can calculate atomic diameters for crystals of particular elements by using the measured density of the material in kilograms per cubic meter and Avogadro's number (the number of atoms in one mole of the material), 6.02 X 10^23 atoms per 1 mol.

The mass of one atom can be determined using the mass of one mole and the knowledge that one mole contains 6.02 X 10^23 atoms (Avogadro's number)

The Stiffness of an Interatomic Bond

It is difficult to measure the stiffness of an interatomic bond directly, so instead we can analyze data from macroscopic experiments to determine this quantity. We will consider the stiffness of an interatomic bond as a spring.

Springs in Series

Springs in series refers to when springs are linked end-to-end.

Two identical springs linked end to end stretch twice as much as one spring when the same force is applied. The combined spring therefore is only half as stiff as the individual springs.

Springs in Parallel

Springs in parallel is when springs are linked side-by-side.

We can think of the two springs as a single, wider spring. Two springs side by side are effectively twice as stuff as a single spring.


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