Count Alessandro Volta

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Claimed by Beiwen Liu

Alessandro Volta was an Italian scientist who invented the first battery that produced a steady current.

Count Alessandro Volta


Early Life and Works


Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio Volta was a man of many scientific interests. He was considered a physicist, a chemist, and a pioneer of the study of electricity and power. Volta was born in 1745 in Como, Italy and died in 1827. In 1774, he started his career as a physics professor at the Royal School in Como.

By studying electricity on the side, Volta had improved and popularized a device called the Electrophorus, which is a simple capacitive generator that produces electrostatic charge through electrostatic induction. In simple terms, this device generated static electricity. Volta continued to study and experiment with atmospheric electricity, and in 1776, he discovered and found ways to isolate methane gas in the atmosphere. in 1779, Volta was appointed the chair of physics at the University of Pavia.

Mid-Life and Inventions

In 1791, Volta's friend Luigi Galvani, a physicist who also studied electricity, had introduced to him an experiment done with frogs. Volta saw that the contact of two different metals with a particular muscle from the frog created an electrical current. Many interpretations arose as Galvani had named it as "animal electricity", where he believed that electricity could be generated in living tissue, and Volta had named it as "metallic electricity", where he believed that the frog's muscle only served as a conductor when the current flowed between the metals.

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