Compression or Normal Force

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Claimed by Hemanth Koralla The compression or also commonly known as the normal force is a simple fundamental concept that must be understood before attempting any contact force problem.

Compression of Normal Force

First Thing

A Mathematical Model

If A = B and A = C, then B = C A = B = C

A Computational Model

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First Law

The first law of thermodynamics defines the internal energy (E) as equal to the difference between heat transfer (Q) into a system and work (W) done by the system. Heat removed from a system would be given a negative sign and heat applied to the system would be given a positive sign. Internal energy can be converted into other types of energy because it acts like potential energy. Heat and work, however, cannot be stored or conserved independently because they depend on the process. This allows for many different possible states of a system to exist. There can be a process known as the adiabatic process in which there is no heat transfer. This occurs when a system is full insulated from the outside environment. The implementation of this law also brings about another useful state variable, enthalpy.

A Mathematical Model

E2 - E1 = Q - W


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