Potential Energy of a Multiparticle System

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Claimed By yzhang637 - 2016 Fall

This wikipage discusses the definition and significance of the potential energy in a multiparticle system, and exemplifies it in different contexts.

The Main Idea

Imagine you drop a ball with a mass of [math]\displaystyle{ M }[/math] near the surface of the earth at the height of [math]\displaystyle{ h }[/math]. If the ball alone is considered to be the system, i.e., the Earth is the surrounding, it is straightforward to find that the kinetic energy of the system (ball) increases, due to the positive work done on the ball by the Earth. In other words, as the gravitational force acts in the same direction as the displacement of the ball, the work done by the surroundings (the Earth) is equal to [math]\displaystyle{ Mgh }[/math].

What if you choose the system to contain both the ball and the Earth? In this case, nothing is significant in the surroundings to exert any work on the system. As a result,

[math]\displaystyle{ \Delta K_{sys} = W_{surr} }[/math] => [math]\displaystyle{ \Delta K_{ball} + K_{earth} = 0 }[/math]

However, it is quite apparent from the experimental observation that the kinetic energy of the ball increased since it acquired speed when dropping, and that the kinetic energy of the Earth also increased in a small amount since the gravitational force between the ball and the Earth drew the Earth towards the ball. In other words, the experimental observation indicates that [math]\displaystyle{ \Delta K_{ball} \gt 0 }[/math] and [math]\displaystyle{ \Delta K_{earth} \gt 0 }[/math]. This seems to introduce a conflict between a real-world experiment and a fundamental principle in Physics, where the experiment indicates that the kinetic energy of the two-body system (ball + Earth) increased, while the energy principle states that the energy change of the system be zero since no significant work is done by the surroundings on the system. This can't be correct! What is going on?

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A Mathematical Model

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A Computational Model

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