Potential Difference of Point Charge in a Non-Uniform Field

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Claimed by dmengesha3 Dina

The Main Idea

Non uniform electric fields are generated by point charges because the magnitude is different depending on the location at which the electric field is being observed (refer to the equation of the electric field made by a point charge). If one is trying to find the electric potential between two different locations due to a point charge the difference in electric fields must be taken into account. Generally, in a non-uniform electric field one can write the change in potential difference between two locations to be: [math]\displaystyle{ \textstyle\int\limits_{i}^{f}-Edl }[/math] -- i being the intial location an f being the final location.

A Mathematical Model

In order to apply this general formula to a point charge:

We substitute E for the formula for the electric field of a point charge and dl for r the distance between the point charge and the observation location.

A Computational Model

Refer to this Website:


To observe how the electric field of a point charge differs from one location to another because it is proportional to 1/r^2. Then play around with measuring the potential difference between two points and see how distance affects the calculation of potential difference. You should observe a 1/r relationship.

Exercises 1. Put down a positive charge. Put 3 E-Field Sensors down: one close to the charge, the next farther away, the next one even farther stil

Notice that the magnitude of the arrows decreases as the distance from the point charge increases

2. Repeat the steps of #1 but replace the positive point charge with a negative point charge.

You should notice the same trend occur

3. Click "Show E-field" on the right menu bar and move the point charge around the plot

Notice that the Electric field gets larger in magnitude as the point charge moves closer to the observation location

4. Move the point charge closer to the observation location that measures potential difference

Notice that the closer the point charge is to this location the higher the magnitude of the potential difference


Be sure to show all steps in your solution and include diagrams whenever possible





Connections in Chemistry

Electrostatic potential energy maps are made of molecules to portray the charge distribution of a molecule 3 dimensionally. These maps can be used to determine electronegativity, bond characteristics, and also help find the reactive sites of molecules. Reactive sites are defined as a charged region of a molecule that interact with other charged particles. This can become especially important in assessing what types of molecular interactions and reactions will take place between two elements or compounds.

Industrial Application

Coulomb Barrier for Nuclear Fusion: For two particles (ex: 2 protons to fuse), they must be able to get close enough to one another for the nuclear strong force to overcome their electric repulsion. One must understand the potential difference of a point charge and the potential energy that creates a barrier between two point charges which can be calculated using U=ke^2/r where k =9e9 and e=1.6e-19 The r calculated using this formula determines the radius at which the nuclear attractive force becomes dominant.


In 1800, Alessandro Volta (pictured above) found that metals such as zinc and copper could produce currents; thus, he constructed the first battery what is know called a voltic pile. It was constructed from pieces of zinc and copper in salt water which produced an electric current. The SI unit for potential difference is named after Alessandro Volta.

Refer to:


To read more about Volta's early works and life.

See also

Calculating Electric Field of a Point Charge


Potential Difference in Uniform Electric Field


Further reading

Chabay, Ruth W., and Bruce A. Sherwood. Matter and Interactions: Electric and Magnetic Interactions. 4th ed. Vol. II. Place of Publication Not Identified: John Wiley, 2015. Print. Chapter 16. Section 16.5

External links








