Types of Interactions and How to Detect Them

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Claimed by Julia Clendenin

This wiki will define interactions and examine indicators that reveal an interaction is taking or has taken place. It will also overview different types of interactions commonly encountered in physics.


Simply, interactions are the casual relationship between an object and either another object or force that alters the behavior of the original object. A force is an energy that results in an action by some object, and is often calculated as mass times acceleration. Alternatively, interactions can be described as changes to the system as a result of the surroundings (external forces) or interworking of the system (internal forces). It is important to note that object and system are interchangeable, although system is the physics term more appropriately used. The system is the point of focus and is interacted upon or within itself. The surroundings refer to any outside forces that interact with the system.

Depending on the type of force, different equations are used to calculate the interactions within a system. Generally, force can be described as [math]\displaystyle{ \vec{F}={{m}}*{\vec{a}} }[/math], where m is the mass of the system in kilograms (kg) and a is the acceleration of the system.

Detecting Interactions

Since interactions alter the behavior of the system, there are several indicators that express any deviation: change in velocity, change in direction of motion, change in energy, uniform motion.

Change in Velocity

Suppose an object is at rest, or its velocity is equal to zero. Just from this simple statement, we can infer that at least two interactions have occurred: 1) an interaction is holding it in place, or preventing it from moving, 2) two interactions are oppositely acting upon the object, thus canceling each other out. Let's break down each one for clarity:

1) An interaction is holding it in place, or preventing it from moving.

Look at your desk. You probably have a calculator, a GT Infinite Harmony concert ticket, and pens sitting idly before you. Why aren't they moving? This lack of movement indicates some interaction occurring with each object. One such interaction is a gravitational interaction. As gravity pulls downward on your calculator, it stays on your desk instead of flying upwards (if only gravity didn't interact on our GPAs!). These objects exhibit an interaction because they are not moving where otherwise they could be. Another potential interaction is friction. While you'll delve deeper into friction and its intricacies later, for now, friction keeps objects from slipping (or moving). Look at your coffee mug on its coaster. It isn't sliding off the coaster because friction is keeping it in place.

2) Two interactions are oppositely acting upon the object, thus canceling each other out.

The interaction from the left plus the interaction on the right equate to zero, resulting in no movement from the object locked in the middle. When you moved out of your freshman dorm and pushed a box on the floor, your mischievous friend decided to push from the other side. With both of you pushing with equal force, the box did not move. In physics terminology, the net force on the x axis equals zero.

Change in velocity also includes decreasing and increasing velocities. Let's look at an example:

Suppose the object moves in the positive x direction, and then comes to rest. Which of the following could be the cause for the object's change in velocity?

a) an interaction in the +x direction is reduced

b) an interaction in the -x direction is reduced

c) an interaction in the -x direction is increased

d) an interaction in +y direction is applied

e) an interaction in the -y is applied

f) an interaction in the +z direction is applied

Let's dissect each option.

If an interaction from the +x direction is reduced, the object can continue to move at a constant velocity; just because the original interaction changes does not indicate that the system will cease to act. Thus, choice a) is incorrect. An interaction from the -x direction does influence the velocity of the system as it is acting in the opposite direction of the system's initial velocity. However, if the -x interaction is reduced, the force preventing the object from moving is lightened and the velocity reaches a constant; it does not necessarily stop, and choice b) is incorrect. If the interaction in the -x direction is emphasized, then the object's velocity will slow and then stop as the interaction increases to a point that overcomes the initial velocity of the object; answer c) is correct. For choices d), e), and f), since the object is moving in the x direction, the y interactions do not directly influence the x-direction velocity, thus all three are incorrect.

Change in Direction of Motion

Suppose you throw a paper airplane horizontally off Clough rooftop. Unfortunately, you're not a skilled aerospace engineer and the plane dives straight into Tech Brown after a tumultuous wind. This is an example of an interaction that causes a change in direction of motion. The wind and the paper airplane experienced an interaction between each other, with the paper airplane as the system, and the wind as the surroundings. Had the wind not interacted, the paper airplane would have coasted in a constant direction away from Clough. But the wind interaction pushed the plane and altered its direction of motion from in the x direction to in the -y direction, or into the dirt.

Change in Energy

While you will learn about the nuances of energy later, change in a system's energy demonstrates an interaction. Change in kinetic energy, or the energy needed for a system to move, is directly related with change in velocity ( [math]\displaystyle{ {KE}={\frac{1}{2}}{{m}}{{v}^2} }[/math], where m is the mass of the system and v is its velocity). If a system begins with more energy than it ends with, then it must have expended that energy in some interaction (and the same vice versa).

Uniform Motion

Uniform motion refers to the unchanging movement or velocity of a isolated system. Then why would there be an interaction? If an isolated system is moving, then it can be inferred that some interaction must have taken place at the beginning to make the system start moving. A very important note: an interaction does NOT need to be sustained to make a system move with a constant velocity. Additionally, an object at rest can be in uniform motion: it's velocity is constantly zero. Constant does not imply that the velocity has a positive value; it simply means that the velocity is the same, be it zero or nonzero.

Types of Interactions

You will learn about these interactions during Week 4, but here is an overview of four main interactions:


Gravitational interactions refer to the system's relationship with Earth's gravity. Gravity is defined as the interaction that pulls objects towards its center of mass, and is represented by the constant "little g," where g equals 9.81 m/s^2.

A system interacts with gravity constantly, and not just Earth's gravitational interaction! The gravitational interaction of the Moon on the Earth controls the ocean tides. The Earth's gravitational interaction keeps the Moon bounded to its orbit. The Sun's gravitational interaction with all of the planets causes the planets to maintain an elliptical orbit around it. To determine the gravitational interaction between a system and gravity, we use the equation [math]\displaystyle{ {F_{grav}}={{m}}*{{g}} }[/math] , where m is the mass of the system and g is the gravitational constant.


Electrical interactions refer to the relationship between two or more charged particles in a system.

To determine the electrical interaction between charged particles, we use the Coulomb's equation [math]\displaystyle{ |\vec F_elec|=\frac{1}{4 \pi \epsilon_0 } \frac{|{q}_{1}{q}_{2}|}{r^2} }[/math] , where <math>\frac{1}{4 \pi \epsilon_0 }<math> is the electricity constant equal to 9.0 x 10^9, <math>{q}_{1}<math> and <math>{q}_{2}<math> are the charges of the particles, and r is the distance between their center of masses.

A system interacts electrically