Henri Poincaré

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Henri Poincaré

The Main Idea

Henri Poincaré was a French mathemetician and physicist born on April 29, 1854.


Henri was born to father Léon Poincaré and mother Eugénie Launois. In 1862 Henri entered the Lycée in Nancy (now renamed the Lycée Henri Poincaré in his honour). He spent eleven years at the Lycée and during his time there he was one of the top students in everything he studied. Henri excelled in mathematics, Henri was described by his mathematics teacher as a "monster of mathematics" and he won first prizes in the concours général, a competition between the top pupils from all the Lycées across France. After graduating with his doctoral degree he then became a professor at the University of Paris. During this time, Poincare made significant contributions to the world of mathematics and science. Some of his most notable contributions include Algebraic topology, the theory of relativity, the recurrence theorem, the three-body problem, quantum mechanics and differential equations.

Contributions to Physics

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